Hotel Spur Trail parallels the road.

Hotel Spur Trail starts up into the hills.

Along the Upper Javelina Trail.

Lovely views as I gain elevation.

Along the Wild Mustang Trail.

The Wild Mustang Trail contoured for a bit, heading northwest.

A brief drop into a little drainage.

View back along the Wild Mustang Trail.

Big Caprock Peak seen above.

View back again shortly before reaching the social trail junction.

Keep left at this social trail, leaving the Wild Mustang Trail, in order to access Big Caprock Peak.

View back along the social trail, the Santa Catalina Mountains in the distance.

Big Caprock Peak ahead.

Ascending to the boudlery base of the peak.

Navigating Class 2 boulders and slabs to gain the summit.

A social trail aids in locating the most efficient way up.

View back as I head up the bouldery slope.

Big Caprock Peak summit block left.

Big Caprock Peak summit, view into Wild Burro Canyon. Mount Lemmon seen far left.

Big Caprock Peak summit, view southwest.
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