Starting along the Mesa Trail.

Break off from the Mesa Trail and head onto the Homestead Trail.

Homestead Trail changes from trail to dirt road a couple of times.

Homestead Trail meets with the Shadow Canyon Trail.

Shadow Canyon Trail heads up through the canyon steeply.

Eventually, the Shadow Canyon Trail emerges from the woods and into a burnt forest area.

South Boulder Peak on the left, the saddle between South Boulder Peak and Bear Peak on the right.

Looking back down Shadow Canyon from the saddle.

From the saddle, looking toward South Boulder Peak.

South Boulder Peak ahead.

Almost at the summit of South Boulder Peak, looking toward Bear Peak.

South Boulder Peak summit, looking south.

South Boulder Peak summit, looking northwest toward the Indian Peaks Wilderness.

Back at the saddle, looking toward Bear Peak.

Mini Class 2 section to the Bear Peak summit.

Bear Peak summit looking toward South Boulder Peak.

Heading down from Bear Peak on the Fern Canyon Trail. Green Mountain visible on the left.

Fern Canyon Trail.

Fern Canyon Trail opens up into a meadow.

Along the Mesa Trail, nice views of the peaks to the west. South Boulder Peak is up there somewhere.

Looking back along the Mesa Trail.

Mesa Trail leads through some more meadows before reaching the trailhead again.
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