Class 2 4.8 miles 1500 gain 1-2 hr Loop Mar 17, 2021

Banded Ridge GPX Track

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Banded Ridge is comprised of two small peaks in Desert National Wildlife Refuge separated by a short canyon. The last half mile to the trailhead might be tough for low-clearance, but any car could probably make it. I started north, heading to the right up a short canyon and emerging on the southeast side of Banded Ridge. I started up the steep, easy slope to the summit. I followed the summit ridge north and headed down into the wash below, taking this wash to the east side of North Banded Ridge. The wash started heading the wrong way and I instead headed through the easy terrain to the base of the peak. The slope to ascend North Banded Ridge was comparable to Banded Ridge, with maybe some easy Class 2 talus mixed in. I headed back via the pretty canyon separating the two peaks and continued south along the west base of Banded Ridge to get back. There were some airplane wreck remains along the way.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Banded Ridge
5449 ft
429 rise
North Banded Ridge
5356 ft
416 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Banded Ridge visisble ahead. I headed into the small canyon on the right.
Banded Ridge visisble ahead. I headed into the small canyon on the right.
Short canyon.
Short canyon.
Southeast side of Banded Ridge. I started up to the summit when the slope got more mellow and straightforward.
Southeast side of Banded Ridge. I started up to the summit when the slope got more mellow and straightforward.
View back down the slope as I ascend to Banded Ridge. Hayford Peak visible up top somewhere.
View back down the slope as I ascend to Banded Ridge. Hayford Peak visible up top somewhere.
Summit of Banded Ridge, view north toward North Banded Ridge and Dead Horse Ridge farther back.
Summit of Banded Ridge, view north toward North Banded Ridge and Dead Horse Ridge farther back.
I dropped off the ridge and entered the wash on the right.
I dropped off the ridge and entered the wash on the right.
Entering the wash on the east side of Banded Ridge. The wash drains into the canyon I'd take later.
Entering the wash on the east side of Banded Ridge. The wash drains into the canyon I'd take later.
View back toward Banded Ridge.
View back toward Banded Ridge.
Quick peek into the canyon I'll be heading through later. But first, North Banded Ridge.
Quick peek into the canyon I'll be heading through later. But first, North Banded Ridge.
East side of North Banded Ridge.
East side of North Banded Ridge.
North Banded Ridge ahead.
North Banded Ridge ahead.
View back. You can see the wash I took that follows the east side of the two Banded Ridge peaks.
View back. You can see the wash I took that follows the east side of the two Banded Ridge peaks.
Summit of North Banded Ridge view toward Banded Ridge (south).
Summit of North Banded Ridge view toward Banded Ridge (south).
North Banded Ridge, view north toward Dead Horse Ridge.
North Banded Ridge, view north toward Dead Horse Ridge.
I headed down from North Banded Ridge and entered the canyon separating the two peaks.
I headed down from North Banded Ridge and entered the canyon separating the two peaks.
Pretty section within the canyon.
Pretty section within the canyon.
View back up the canyon just before it opens.
View back up the canyon just before it opens.
Mouth of the canyon. I headed along the base of the cliffs on the west side of Banded Ridge, center.
Mouth of the canyon. I headed along the base of the cliffs on the west side of Banded Ridge, center.
View back into the canyon I came out of.
View back into the canyon I came out of.
Some airplane wreckage debris on my way back to the car.
Some airplane wreckage debris on my way back to the car.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!