Starting along the Great Western Trail. The trail begins climbing steeply toward Big Mountain South.

Ascending along the Great Western Trail. Bald Mountain seen ahead.

View back toward Big Mountain Summit, the pass where we parked.

A junction, left leads to a quick bushwhack to Big Mountain South. Right is the Great Western Trail to Bald Mountain.

Descending from Big Mountain South down to the saddle with Bald Mountain.

A pretty meadow, Bald Mountain seen on the right.

Almost to the saddle of the two peaks, Bald Mountain seen ahead.

Starting up toward Bald Mountain, seen ahead. It's a mostly forested hike up the slope.

Pleasant, though sometimes steep, trail.

Nearing the summit of Bald Mountain.

Leaving the forest to enter a bald summit for which the peak is named.

View back.

Bald Mountain summit area.

View back.

Little Dell Reservoir seen below.
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