From my parking spot, I headed along an unmarked trail.

The trail wrapped around to the north and ascended to the ridgeline.

View back toward North Peak.

Almost at the ridgeline.

Another shot back. The trail led me up from the right.

Ascending the steep ridgeline.

View back.

The ridgeline continues, the second half more bald than the first, which had more plant life and wildflowers.

Another shot back, Mount Nebo visible in the distance.

Bald Mountain summit seen ahead.

Close-up back along the ridgeline.

Bald Mountain summit, view back.

Looking west toward Bald Mine Peak.

View north toward Utah Lake.

Heading down the southwest ridgeline in search of a spot to descend.

Finally, I located a spot that was more reasonable and free of the more severe cliffs. I left the ridgeline and made a descending traverse to the saddle on Bald Mine Peak's east side, seen on the right in this photo.

View back up at the loose traverse.

Scree as well, with an occasional Class 2 or 3 cliff band to contend with. Saddle seen ahead.

View back at the saddle as I ascend Bald Mine Peak via an old mining road.

I left the mining road and ascended the steep slope to gain Bald Mine Peak's summit.

view back toward Bald Mountain's west slope, which I just made a descending traverse of.

Close-up at the mining road I'll be following to get back to my car.

View toward Mount Nebo.

Along the mining road.

View back toward Bald Mine Peak as I make my way back to the car.
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