Aztec Peak via Abbey’s Way in Tonto National Forest, AZ

Hike Aztec Peak via Abbey’s Way Tonto National Forest, AZ

Class 1 3.7 miles 900 gain 1-2 hr Out + Back May 2, 2021

Aztec Peak via Abbey’s Way GPX Track

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Reaching Aztec Peak requires a long drive into the middle of nowhere of Tonto National Forest on the very scenic Globe-Young Highway. The turn-off to reach the summit is located here (33.84677, -110.9686), and most vehicles can make it here (33.82, -110.93217), where the road becomes rocky for a short stretch. Any decent vehicle can drive to the summit of Aztec Peak, but I had no interest in doing so. I was happy to find a trail that would lead through some of the pretty scenery and make it up to the top, the Abbey's Way Trail. Unfortunately this trail has been destroyed by a fire, but I actually found it quite pleasant since it seems like someone maintains it somewhat regularly. I had almost no bushwhacking or scratches, and the views were nice enough to justify the minor route-finding required to complete the trail. In fact, it was good enough that I decided to head back the same way rather than just walk down the road.

The trailhead has the standard burn area warnings, so I put on some snake gaiters and braced myself for a rough ride that never came. The trail headed north through the forest and emerged into a grassy meadow. It will be very tempting to head to the right into this meadow, but the trail keeps within the trees on the left outskirts of the meadow, wrapping around it to the meadow's north side. Cairns helped me ensure I was on the trail for the most part. Past the meadow, the trail then headed into a very heavily destroyed area, but where numerous downed trees and thorny plants would have made it unpleasant, the trail carved a nice tunnel through the brush. Gaining elevation, Abbey's Way switchbacked a couple of times, the views to the west quite nice. The trail ended just below the very wide Aztec Peak summit, which had less-good views than the approach up. Like I said, you can return via the road if you prefer.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Aztec Peak
7748 ft
2468 rise

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Abbey's Way Trailhead, left.
Abbey's Way Trailhead, left.
Along the Abbey's Way Trail.
Along the Abbey's Way Trail.
View back, Carr Peak visible top right.
View back, Carr Peak visible top right.
The Abbey's Way Trail emerges into this meadow. It will be tempting to head into it, but stay left within the trees.
The Abbey's Way Trail emerges into this meadow. It will be tempting to head into it, but stay left within the trees.
Close-up toward Aztec Peak.
Close-up toward Aztec Peak.
North side of the meadow, the Abbey's Way Trail wraps around the perimeter of the meadow.
North side of the meadow, the Abbey's Way Trail wraps around the perimeter of the meadow.
Image 6 from gallery
Another view back.
Another view back.
Aztec Peak visible top right.
Aztec Peak visible top right.
Fortunately the trail seems to be maintained to some extent.
Fortunately the trail seems to be maintained to some extent.
View back.
View back.
Gaining elevation, Aztec Peak ahead.
Gaining elevation, Aztec Peak ahead.
A switchback along the Abbey's Way Trail.
A switchback along the Abbey's Way Trail.
View back along the switchbacks.
View back along the switchbacks.
Image 14 from gallery
Close-up toward Workman Creek (right of center), which is the route the drive up came from.
Close-up toward Workman Creek (right of center), which is the route the drive up came from.
Four Peaks visible in the distance.
Four Peaks visible in the distance.
Nearing the end of the Abbey's Way Trail.
Nearing the end of the Abbey's Way Trail.
Top of Abbey's Way.
Top of Abbey's Way.
Summit of Aztec Peak ahead. The views weren't much different than the approach since the summit area is so wide.
Summit of Aztec Peak ahead. The views weren't much different than the approach since the summit area is so wide.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!