Auxiliary Point via Pinto West Peak in Lake Mead National Recreation Area, NV

Hike Auxiliary Point via Pinto West Peak Lake Mead National Recreation Area, NV

Class 3 13.4 miles 4900 gain 6-8 hrs Out + Back Feb 24, 2019

Auxiliary Point via Pinto West Peak GPX Track

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I've been on a roll with these random peakbagging missions in Lake Mead, and this was no exception to my fun exploratory routes in the area. I first saw Pinto West Peak and the canyon to its east from the summit of Hamblin Mountain West, but I wanted to plan a multi-peak day rather than just get that one, so this route did the trick. Even though I deemed this route Class 3, that's only because of the descent from Pinto West Peak to the south – none of these peaks are more than Class 2 if approched directly.

Starting from Northshore Road, head to the saddle of Hamblin Butte and Basalt Peak. I decided to bag Hamblin Butte now and Basalt Peak later on the way back (see map), but neither are interesting (remove 1000 feet or so from the stats listed if you skip these). There are two ridgelines leading to Pinto West Peak, and the western one looked more reasonable from above on Hamblin Butte, learning this fact was probably the only benefit of going up there. Follow this ridgeline to the summit of Pinto West Peak (Class 2) and continue south on Class 3 stuff until you get to a gully leading east into the canyon that separates Hamblin Mountain West and Pinto West Peak. Follow this drainage all the way down until you hit a dry fall (marked on map). You'll notice I left in both of my routes. Initially, I didn't want to scramble down this dryfall because I thought there might be many more and it could be a waste of time, so I ascended to the dirt mounds above and followed animal trails on higher ground to Auxiliary Point. On the way back, I chose to explore that canyon and it turned out that dryfall was the only one. Both routes were nice for different reasons.

Auxiliary Point was probably the highlight of the day, and although it can be easily accessed by boat on Lake Mead, it was still a gorgeous spot that took a fair amount of effort to get to. I took a few minutes to enjoy the sights, something I rarely do unless the spot's really calling my name. Return via the same canyon.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Hamblin Butte
2835 ft
538 rise
Pinto West Peak
3054 ft
672 rise
Auxiliary Point
1335 ft
72 rise
Basalt Peak
2762 ft
367 rise

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Starting up toward the saddle in the center, Hamblin Butte on the right.
Starting up toward the saddle in the center, Hamblin Butte on the right.
Class 2 to Hamblin Butte.
Class 2 to Hamblin Butte.
Looking east toward Basalt Peak (later), the saddle I came up from just below.
Looking east toward Basalt Peak (later), the saddle I came up from just below.
Basalt Peak summit looking north toward the Muddy Mountains.
Basalt Peak summit looking north toward the Muddy Mountains.
Basalt Peak summit, looking at my route. Pinto West Peak is on the right. Hamblin Mountain West center left. The notch in the center is where I came through on my way back. The ridge visible on the right to potentially gain Pinto West Peak is riddled with cliffs, so keep right of it.
Basalt Peak summit, looking at my route. Pinto West Peak is on the right. Hamblin Mountain West center left. The notch in the center is where I came through on my way back. The ridge visible on the right to potentially gain Pinto West Peak is riddled with cliffs, so keep right of it.
Traversing the desert. The ridge in the center is the one I mentioned previously not to take. Continue right to the ridge way over there.
Traversing the desert. The ridge in the center is the one I mentioned previously not to take. Continue right to the ridge way over there.
Heading up to the ridge via small washes.
Heading up to the ridge via small washes.
Ascending the ridge toward Pinto West Peak.
Ascending the ridge toward Pinto West Peak.
Pinto West Peak summit, Lake Mead in the distance. You can see Auxiliary Point in the center out there.
Pinto West Peak summit, Lake Mead in the distance. You can see Auxiliary Point in the center out there.
Close-up of Auxiliary Point in the center. That's the goal!
Close-up of Auxiliary Point in the center. That's the goal!
Pinto West Peak summit looking toward the Muddy Mountains. Hamblin Butte visible center right.
Pinto West Peak summit looking toward the Muddy Mountains. Hamblin Butte visible center right.
Descending the Class 3 stuff on the south side of Pinto West Peak.
Descending the Class 3 stuff on the south side of Pinto West Peak.
Gully to descend into the wash to the east. This is the same wash I'll be coming back on later.
Gully to descend into the wash to the east. This is the same wash I'll be coming back on later.
Looking back up the gully I came down, Pinto West Peak on the top right somewhere.
Looking back up the gully I came down, Pinto West Peak on the top right somewhere.
Continuing down the wash.
Continuing down the wash.
Image 15 from gallery
Long walk in the wash to get down to Auxiliary Point.
Long walk in the wash to get down to Auxiliary Point.
Image 17 from gallery
Class 3 dryfall that I opted to skip on the descent, but used to ascend on the way back out.
Class 3 dryfall that I opted to skip on the descent, but used to ascend on the way back out.
Taking the high road rather than going down the Class 3 dryfall toward Auxiliary Point (visible top right).
Taking the high road rather than going down the Class 3 dryfall toward Auxiliary Point (visible top right).
Close-up of Rufus Cove, where the wash I was following to get down here drains into.
Close-up of Rufus Cove, where the wash I was following to get down here drains into.
Continuing toward Auxiliary Point.
Continuing toward Auxiliary Point.
Image 22 from gallery
Image 23 from gallery
Hamblin Bay, view looking west.
Hamblin Bay, view looking west.
Auxiliary Point view. This is a really relaxing peninsula on Lake Mead.
Auxiliary Point view. This is a really relaxing peninsula on Lake Mead.
View north toward Canyon Point in the center, a previous route I did. Love this area.
View north toward Canyon Point in the center, a previous route I did. Love this area.
View looking back toward the way I came. You can see Pinto West Peak in the center, Hamblin Mountain West to the right of it, and the notch formed by the wash I used to get here.
View looking back toward the way I came. You can see Pinto West Peak in the center, Hamblin Mountain West to the right of it, and the notch formed by the wash I used to get here.
Close-up of the end of the wash into Rufus Cove. I chose to take this back and give the Class 3 dryfall a go at an upclimb. The notch in the center is where I'm headed to get back.
Close-up of the end of the wash into Rufus Cove. I chose to take this back and give the Class 3 dryfall a go at an upclimb. The notch in the center is where I'm headed to get back.
At the top of the wash after ascending for a few miles.
At the top of the wash after ascending for a few miles.
Top of the wash looking north toward Hamblin Butte (center).
Top of the wash looking north toward Hamblin Butte (center).
Headed through the desert toward my bonus peak: Basalt Peak (center).
Headed through the desert toward my bonus peak: Basalt Peak (center).
Summit of Basalt Peak on the right.
Summit of Basalt Peak on the right.
Basalt Peak summit, looking west toward Hamblin Butte (right) and Pinto West Peak (left).
Basalt Peak summit, looking west toward Hamblin Butte (right) and Pinto West Peak (left).
Basalt Peak view looking northwest, Muddy Mountains on the top right. I decided to go down a series of ridges somewhere in this photo to get back to my car.
Basalt Peak view looking northwest, Muddy Mountains on the top right. I decided to go down a series of ridges somewhere in this photo to get back to my car.

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