Ashdown Gorge via Rattlesnake Creek in Dixie National Forest, UT

Hike Ashdown Gorge via Rattlesnake Creek Dixie National Forest, UT

Class 1 11.6 miles 400 gain 4-6 hrs Shuttle Oct 3, 2016

Ashdown Gorge via Rattlesnake Creek GPX Track

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This hike down the Rattlesnake Creek Trail through Ashdown Gorge is a great two-car-required hike with great views and gorgeous narrows. The first car should be dropped off at these coordinates (37.6317168,-112.9402732), while the second car then goes up the mountain through Cedar Breaks National Monument to the coordinates listed under the "trailhead" button. Alternatively, parking at the base of Ashdown Gorge and hiking up to Lake Creek False, skipping the shuttle, would still be a great day.

From the Rattlesnake Creek Trailhead, we followed a trail through a forested section that gave way to great views of the Cedar Breaks hoodoos and colorful eroded cliffs. The trail continued through meadows and forests, eventually making it into Rattlesnake Creek. This section of the creek isn't particularly interesting, but the trail eventually leaves Rattlesnake Creek (in order to avoid getting cliffed out on top of Rattlesnake Creek Falls), heading south over a ridge and down into Ashdown Creek. The trail continues south from here, but we entered Ashdown Creek, which soon narrows into a colorful canyon and heads west. The narrows last much longer than I thought they would. There are gorgeous alcoves and a natural arch high above, Flanigan Arch. I also highly recommend heading up Rattlesnake Creek to check out Lake Creek Falls and Rattlesnake Creek Falls.

From the mouth of Ashdown Gorge, we followed Coal Creek downstream until a reasonable-looking social trail led us up the steep bank to our car.

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Starting along the Rattlesnake Creek Trail.
Starting along the Rattlesnake Creek Trail.
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Some great views of the gorgeous Cedar Breaks eroded cliffs, just before descending.
Some great views of the gorgeous Cedar Breaks eroded cliffs, just before descending.
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The Rattlesnake Creek Trail heads through meadows and forest.
The Rattlesnake Creek Trail heads through meadows and forest.
Pretty red cliffs in the distance.
Pretty red cliffs in the distance.
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Working down into the Rattlesnake Creek drainage.
Working down into the Rattlesnake Creek drainage.
The trail hugs Rattlesnake Creek drainage.
The trail hugs Rattlesnake Creek drainage.
The trail then leaves the Rattlesnake Creek drainage and heads south over a ridge to get into the Ashdown Creek drainage.
The trail then leaves the Rattlesnake Creek drainage and heads south over a ridge to get into the Ashdown Creek drainage.
The trail leads east, this is a view down into Ashdown Creek.
The trail leads east, this is a view down into Ashdown Creek.
Heading west within Ashdown Creek, leaving the Rattlesnake Creek Trail.
Heading west within Ashdown Creek, leaving the Rattlesnake Creek Trail.
Ashdown Creek soon begins to narrow.
Ashdown Creek soon begins to narrow.
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A gorgeous grotto within Ashdwon Gorge.
A gorgeous grotto within Ashdwon Gorge.
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Some amazing colors and cliff faces as we work our way down Ashdown Creek.
Some amazing colors and cliff faces as we work our way down Ashdown Creek.
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A monolith along the way, marking the junction with Rattlesnake Creek.
A monolith along the way, marking the junction with Rattlesnake Creek.
Starting up Rattlesnake Creek to visit some waterfalls, looking west toward the monolith.
Starting up Rattlesnake Creek to visit some waterfalls, looking west toward the monolith.
More beautiful narrows within Rattlesnake Creek.
More beautiful narrows within Rattlesnake Creek.
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Another junction within Rattlesnake Creek, left leads to Lake Creek Waterfall, right to Rattlesnake Creek Waterfall.
Another junction within Rattlesnake Creek, left leads to Lake Creek Waterfall, right to Rattlesnake Creek Waterfall.
More beautiful narrows on the way to Rattlesnake Creek Waterfall.
More beautiful narrows on the way to Rattlesnake Creek Waterfall.
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Rattlesnake Creek Waterfall.
Rattlesnake Creek Waterfall.
Lake Creek Waterfall.
Lake Creek Waterfall.
A grotto underneath Lake Creek Waterfall.
A grotto underneath Lake Creek Waterfall.
Back in Ashdown Gorge.
Back in Ashdown Gorge.
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More narrows within Ashdown Gorge, nearing the mouth of the canyon.
More narrows within Ashdown Gorge, nearing the mouth of the canyon.
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Flanigan Arch above.
Flanigan Arch above.
Looking back into the mouth of Ashdown Gorge.
Looking back into the mouth of Ashdown Gorge.
Working down Coal Creek, you can see the road in the center, where we parked the second car.
Working down Coal Creek, you can see the road in the center, where we parked the second car.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!