Arch Rock and Grand Tank in Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Hike Arch Rock and Grand Tank Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Class 1 0.8 mile Minimal gain <1 hr Out + Back Apr 14, 2018

Arch Rock and Grand Tank GPX Track

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A short walk on a nature trail leads to a popular destination, Arch Rock. I continued behind Arch Rock on a heavily used social trail among boulders and ended up at Grand Tank. There was no water when I was there, but a heavily graffiti-filled dam marked the destination. While this is a cool area and Arch Rock is an interesting feature, Joshua Tree National Park has a lot more cool stuff to offer in terms of both natural beauty and rich mining history. This spot is just right off the road, so you know what to expect.

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Starting along the Arch Rock Nature Trail.
Starting along the Arch Rock Nature Trail.
Image 1 from gallery
Arch Rock on the left, someone taking a selfie. Naturally. I'll come check out Arch Rock after visiting Grand Tank.
Arch Rock on the left, someone taking a selfie. Naturally. I'll come check out Arch Rock after visiting Grand Tank.
Some super minor route-finding through those boulders, but there are lots of footprints in general.
Some super minor route-finding through those boulders, but there are lots of footprints in general.
Image 4 from gallery
Approaching Grand Tank.
Approaching Grand Tank.
Grand Tank, empty right now.
Grand Tank, empty right now.
The dam at Grand Tank.
The dam at Grand Tank.
People suck. Thanks for writing your name, entire world.
People suck. Thanks for writing your name, entire world.
Arch Rock.
Arch Rock.
Arch Rock.
Arch Rock.
A little side canyon thing that looked cool, just south of Arch Rock.
A little side canyon thing that looked cool, just south of Arch Rock.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!