Starting out from the trailhead, heading to the saddle in the center along a trail.

View back toward the trailead.

At the minor saddle, a view north toward Anthony's Nose (center).

Starting along the social trail leading to the ridgeline.

Somewhat steep ascend, but well-cairned.

View back toward the saddle (right). The trailhead is on the left of Robert.

Class 2+ section along the ascent to the ridgeline.

View back at the crux of the ridgeline.

A shot back down to the saddle, past the scrambling.

At the ridgeline, a view south toward North Franklin Mountain.

Anthony's Nose in the distance. We started north along the ridge crest.

A dip in the ridgeline.

View back at our progress.

Ascending to the base of a lump, where the trail keeps to the right to avoid the additional vertical gain.

Looking back as we wrap around the lump.

Back along the ridgeline after avoiding the lump.

View back toward the lump we avoided.

Continuing along the ridgeline, Anthony's Nose ahead.

View back along the ridge crest, Class 2.

At the base of the steepest section, still a bit away from the summit.

Class 2.

View back along the ridgeline.

A wrap-around to avoid a slightly more exposed portion of the ridge crest. The crux is seen center, ahead.

Looking back at the wrap-around along the ridge, avoiding the more exposed crest.

A Class 3 section up the face. Keeping to the right would result in a slightly more exposed Class 3 move along the ridgeline.

Just above the crux. I came up from the right in this photo, while Robert and Kevin kept to the crest.

Wide shot looking back, just past the crux.

A false summit ahead, nothing but Class 2 from here.

Anthony's Nose ahead.

Anthony's Nose summit, view back along the crest. North Franklin Mountain visible top center.

Anthony's Nose summit, view north toward the Organ Mountains.

Anthony's Nose summit, view east toward El Paso.
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