There is a real trailhead for this strange, remote mountain, even if there's no trail. Ha.

I decided to head toward the northwest of the Alamo Mountain (left in this photo). Going far right might be an easier route? Not sure.

You can kind of see the steep part on the far left - that's where I was headed.

Starting to get steep.

Looking down the way I came.

Looking down the Class 3 exposed part I came up.

After the Class 3 section, I followed the rim to the high point, which is hard to find.

I continued farther east to get a view.

Flat Top Mountain over there, Wind Mountain behind it on the right.

There's the view! Flat Top left, Wind Mountain behind it, San Antonio Peak on the right.

Headed down a Class 2 thing on the northern slope of Alamo Mountain rather than go back the way I came.

Looking back toward Wind and Flat Top.

Continuing down from Alamo Mountain.

A steep section on the northwest side, but nothing crazy.

Looking back toward Alamo Mountain.

Looking down toward the general area where my car is.
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