Alamo Mountain in Cornudas Mountains BLM, TX

Hike Alamo Mountain Cornudas Mountains BLM, TX

Class 2 3.8 miles 1500 gain 1-2 hr Out + Back Feb 21, 2018

Alamo Mountain GPX Track

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The Cornudas Mountains are visible from the interstate, but are easily overlooked. I researched these hikes on Google Maps because their marks on the topo look really crazy. Flat for miles in all directions, but then a few volcanic peaks like this, Alamo Mountain, jut up from seemingly nowhere. I found the trailhead for Alamo Mountain by accident. My friend Joe Butler confirmed the directions to be exit here (31.84152, -105.97083) and head north on Hueco Ranch and then Loma Linda Road. Cross the border into New Mexico and F002 to F001. Turn right here (32.07928, -105.73859) onto F008 and left here (32.06393, -105.71443) onto F009. Veer left onto F007 here (32.043321, -105.71427) and follow east. Turn right here (32.03935, -105.66185) onto F010 and head south. There's actually a little parking area for "Alamo Mountain" access, which is where my attached trailhead button links to.

I was looking for a fun scramble, so I tried for one of the steeper, but reasonable, sections of Alamo Mountain. I ended up finding a Class 3 section with some exposure, and it was fun, but not memorable. After summiting and realizing there was no view, I continued to the other side of the relatively flat-topped mountain and then descended on an easier Class 2 slope, making my way back around the mountain from its north face.

There is dfeinitely a much easier way to access Alamo Mountain, which I outlined with a blue line on my attached map. It would require heading up Alamo Mountain and ascending from its southwest face. I do wish I had gone that way instead, and one day I'll head back. My friend Kevin Smith reported there isn't much of a trail, but it went fine as Class 2.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Alamo Mountain
6670 ft
1398 rise

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There is a real trailhead for this strange, remote mountain, even if there's no trail. Ha.
There is a real trailhead for this strange, remote mountain, even if there's no trail. Ha.
I decided to head toward the northwest of the Alamo Mountain (left in this photo). Going far right might be an easier route? Not sure.
I decided to head toward the northwest of the Alamo Mountain (left in this photo). Going far right might be an easier route? Not sure.
You can kind of see the steep part on the far left - that's where I was headed.
You can kind of see the steep part on the far left - that's where I was headed.
Starting to get steep.
Starting to get steep.
Looking down the way I came.
Looking down the way I came.
Looking down the Class 3 exposed part I came up.
Looking down the Class 3 exposed part I came up.
After the Class 3 section, I followed the rim to the high point, which is hard to find.
After the Class 3 section, I followed the rim to the high point, which is hard to find.
I continued farther east to get a view.
I continued farther east to get a view.
Flat Top Mountain over there, Wind Mountain behind it on the right.
Flat Top Mountain over there, Wind Mountain behind it on the right.
There's the view! Flat Top left, Wind Mountain behind it, San Antonio Peak on the right.
There's the view! Flat Top left, Wind Mountain behind it, San Antonio Peak on the right.
Headed down a Class 2 thing on the northern slope of Alamo Mountain rather than go back the way I came.
Headed down a Class 2 thing on the northern slope of Alamo Mountain rather than go back the way I came.
Looking back toward Wind and Flat Top.
Looking back toward Wind and Flat Top.
Continuing down from Alamo Mountain.
Continuing down from Alamo Mountain.
A steep section on the northwest side, but nothing crazy.
A steep section on the northwest side, but nothing crazy.
Looking back toward Alamo Mountain.
Looking back toward Alamo Mountain.
Looking down toward the general area where my car is.
Looking down toward the general area where my car is.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!