Starting up the Inner Basin Trail.

Very pretty aspens.

Inner Basin Trail merges with a forest road.

Passing a pumphouse.

Open area with views toward Fremont (left) and Agassiz (right).

Close-up toward Fremont. We used the snowfield in the center as our descent later (see map).

Along the Inner Basin Trail.

Getting closer, our goal is the saddle above Matt's head, which separates Fremont Peak from Agassiz Peak.

View back into Inner Basin.

Switchbacking up the Inner Basin Trail.

Agassiz Peak up there.

At Fremont Saddle, the low point separating Agassiz Peak from Fremont Peak. Agassiz Peak visible ahead.

Switchbacking on the east slope of Agassiz Peak, the trail cutting through the cinder.

View toward Fremont Peak's ridgeline. There was a forest fire going on in the distance, as you can see.

Wide shot as we ascend the switchbacks on Agassiz Peak's east slope.

Ascending the snow-covered north ridge of Agassiz Peak. Humphreys Peak is visible in the distance.

Ascending to Agassiz Peak.

View back as we ascend to Agassiz Peak. Humphreys Peak top left, Inner Basin on the right.

Close-up toward Humphreys Peak.

Close-up toward Fremont Peak.

Back at the saddle, we headed up to Fremont Peak.

View back, Agassiz Peak top left, Humphreys Peak top right.

At a hump along the ridgeline, view toward Fremont Peak.

View back toward Agassiz Peak.

Ascent to Fremont Peak.

Approaching Fremont Peak's summit, Agassiz Peak visible top right.

Close-up of Agassiz Peak (left) and Humphreys Peak (right).

Close-up into the Inner Basin.

Close-up of Matt coming up to the summit.

Matt checking out Humphreys Peak from the summit of Fremont Peak.
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