Just after leaving where I parked, I passed this old rusty truck. Adalac Benchmark visible top left.

Approaching the base of Adalac Benchmark. I headed up the ridge on the left in this photo.

The initial slope.

View back as a storm rolls over McCullough Mountain.

I headed up the shallow gully in the center of this photo, which leads to a false summit.

View back as I start into the shallow gully. My car is somewhere down there in the center.

Within the shallow gully.

A close-up looking back down at my progress. I came from the rocky outcrop just right of center.

Side-hilling around a false summit, Adalac Benchmark visible center.

Class 2 to the summit.

Adalac Benchmark summit, view toward Calada Peak (left) and the ridgeline traverse I'm about to do.

Adalac Benchmark summit, view west.

Along the ridgeline. Calada Peak visible left.

View back toward Adalac Benchmark (right).

A drop and a big hump along the ridgeline.

Another drop with some Class 2. Ahead you can see another hump.

Coming down from the second hump, a view toward Calada Peak.

Avoidable Class 3 coming down to the saddle on the south side of Calada Peak.

On the way up Calada Peak, view back toward the previous bump obstacle. As you can see the boulder-hopping in the previous photo is avoidable on the left side of that ridge. Adalac Benchmark visible right of center.

Calada Peak ahead.

Class 2/2+ to the summit.

View down at the Class 2/2+.

Calada Peak summit, a shot back at the traverse.

Calada Peak, view north.

Calada Peak, view west.

Heading back down to the saddle on the south side of Calada Peak. I traversed the hills, heading toward the center of this photo.

View back toward Calada Peak as I head across the somewhat brushy side-hilling slopes.

Dropping down into the wash visible below. I took this wash back to the road I drove in on.

Within the pleasant wash, which leads back to the dirt road I drove in on.
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